Science Pathways

We work with QLD secondary colleges to provide MSL20118 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement as well as MSL30118 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills under a VETiS arrangement.

What is VETiS?

Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) is a program that enables students to gain nationally recognised qualifications while at school. Students learn skills and knowledge required for specific industries.

VETiS can be undertaken in years 10, 11 and 12, and can count towards the Queensland Certificate of Education.

VET can also be undertaken while a young person is still enrolled at school through a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT).

  • Offered as a senior subject at your school.
  • Online, practical and virtual learning.
  • This course will teach you the skills and knowledge required to perform a range of sampling and measurement activities as part of laboratory, production or field operations in the construction, manufacturing, food processing, resources and environmental industry sectors.
  • MSL20118 – Certificate II in Sampling & Measurement (4 QCE points).
  • MSL30118 – Certificate III in Laboratory Skills (2 QCE points).
  • Students eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) may be able to use their completed Certificates to contribute towards their ATAR.

Industry Ready Skills

We deliver qualifications that meet current industry needs and provide real and measurable outcomes through outstanding training and the
provision of qualified and skilled workers.
We combine theory with practical experience.
Meaning that our students graduate with the work-ready skills necessary for successful employment.

Direct University Entry

Successful completion of certificate and diploma courses will contribute toward your Certificate of Education (state specific).

Also, while studying a certificate or diploma course will not replace the
ATAR, for some universities it will provide an ATAR equivalent that
can be used for direct entry to certain courses as per below.

Certificate III – 68

Certificate IV – 74

Diploma – 87

Tertiary academic support and readiness

Our programs are highly practical and develop student capability in foundational skills including statistics and data analysis as well as functional laboratory skills.
Our courses are designed to support students working toward a career in: Engineering, Science, Health, Environment and Agriculture.
We support students to form the bridge between high school and tertiary study in a specific field.

VETis at Seaworld
Years of
1 +
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Our VETiS Courses